What am I doing right now?

Work πŸ’»

Working as a Lead developer, mostly around MicroServices ecosystem.

Learning πŸ’‘

AWS - Lambda, API Gateways, CLI, DynamoDB, Eventing, SDK etc

GO Lang - Reading books, doing hands on, tech blogging, following GO tweets( specially @golangweekly), & doing GO Track on Exercism

follow on my github repo

Books πŸ“š


Brain Rules - by John Medina
A master piece read.

Got to know about this book from Pat Kua’s book review


Deep Work by Cal Newport

Running πŸ‘Ÿ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Learning MAF ( Maximum Aerobic Function ) HR techniques.

Read about What is MAF Training?

My weekly workouts is mix of

πŸ‹οΈStrength Trainings
πŸƒ Interval RUNS
πŸ‘Š CORE WorkOuts
πŸ‘ LEGS workouts
πŸƒ Progression ( Negative Splits) running


I have done summit for all 3 peaks of UK along with my wife and my son ( 9 years)

Ben Nevis - 1344 M - Oct 2020
( UK highest )

Scafell Pike - 978 M - July 2021
(England highest )

Snowdon - 1085 M - 30th Aug 2021
(Wales Highest)

Checkout my Strava below and I would be glad to connect with you!

What else?

Have started tree plantation 🌴 with Sankalptaru

A great platform for doing a remote tree plantation on any occasion.
I am using this platform for gifting trees to friends and families on their birthdays. Tree is planted on their Name!
Best part is, once tree is planted, you get geo location, so that you can see the tree grow remotely!! 🌳

This is a Now page, based on the concept by Derek Sivers. Visit now now now dot com for more inspiration.